Market Information   >   Reports


ATO Seoul prepares Market Briefs on a wide range of food, beverage, and agricultural products, as well an annual exporter guide. These reports are available through the Gain Search Page.

  • Korea Cheese Market Brief | Product Brief, Dairy and Products | Seoul ATO | Korea - Republic of | October 21, 2020

    The cheese market is expected to continue to grow as cheese becomes increasingly integrated in Korea¡¯s dietary culture. NOTE: Market Briefs are a series of shorter, graphically friendly reports developed by ATO Seoul. They are designed to give potential exporters a quick overview of the market. We welcome feedback on the new format at
  • Korea Butter Market Brief | Product Brief, Dairy and Products | Seoul ATO | Korea - Republic of | October 21, 2020

    Butter consumption in Korea has been steadily increasing as the Korean diet has grown more westernized. At the same time, domestic butter production has declined due to a rapid increase in butter imports. NOTE: Market Briefs are a series of shorter, graphically friendly reports developed by ATO Seoul. They are designed to give potential exporters a quick overview of the market. We welcome feedback on the new format at
  • Korea Bakery Mixes and Doughs Market Brief | Product Brief | Seoul ATO | Korea - Republic of | October 21, 2020

    Overall sales of bakery mixes and doughs in consumer packages in grocery stores continue to decline. However, increased demand for quality, value and diversity in the food service market is driving growth in imports. NOTE: Market Briefs are a series of shorter, graphically friendly reports developed by ATO Seoul. They are designed to give potential exporters a quick overview of the market. We welcome feedback on the new format at
  • Korea Grapes Market Brief | Product Brief, Fresh Fruit | Seoul ATO | Korea - Republic of | October 20, 2020

    Domestic production of grapes is decreasing. Imports have continuously increased since the Korea-Chile Free Trade Agreement in 2004. NOTE: Market Briefs are a series of shorter, graphically friendly reports developed by ATO Seoul. They are designed to give potential exporters a quick overview of the market. We welcome feedback on the new format at
  • Korea Frozen Fruits Market Brief | Product Brief, Frozen Fruit| Seoul ATO | Korea - Republic of | October 20, 2020

    The frozen fruit market in Korea has been on a decline. However, there are still opportunities for growth as Korean consumers value diversity and convenience. NOTE: Market Briefs are a series of shorter, graphically friendly reports developed by ATO Seoul. They are designed to give potential exporters a quick overview of the market. We welcome feedback on the new format at
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Agricultural Trade Office, U.S. Embassy - Seoul
Tel: 82-2-6951-6848 Fax: 82-2-720-7921