Contacts > Cooperators
U.S. cooperators are associations of U.S. commodity groups supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and producers. Their mission is to expand foreign markets for their products. They are valuable resources of information on market trends, cultural perceptions, demand, and potential for new and established products.
U.S. Soybean Export Council - Korea
Dr. Lee, Hyung Suk, Country Director
Rm. 508, Leema Bldg. 42, Jong-ro 1-gil, Jongro-gu, Seoul 03152
U.S. Wheat Associates, Inc. (USW)
Mr. Bae, Dong Chan, Country Director
Room 303, Leema Bldg. 42, Jongro 1-gil, Jongro-gu, Seoul 03152
U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF)
Mr. Park, Jun Il, Country Director
3rd Fl., Anguk Bldg. 33, Yulgok-ro, Jongro-ku, Seoul 03061
U.S. Grains Council (USGC)
Mr. Kim, Hak Soo, Country Director
Room 303, Leema Bldg. 42, Jongro 1-gil, Jongro-ku, Seoul 03152
Cotton Council International (CCI)
Ms. Choi, Won Jeong, Program Manager
Room 303, Leema Bldg. 42, Jongro 1-gil, Jongro-ku, Seoul 03152
Almond Board of California (ABC)
California Prune Board (CPB)
Ms. Murielle Kim, Executive Director
#27, 12th Fl., Chungdam Bldg. 704, Seonryeung-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06069
Poultry&Egg Export Council (USAPEEC)
Potatoes USA
California Milk Advisory Board (CMAB)
California Walnut Commission (CWC)
Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC)
U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC)
Raisin Administrative Committee (RAC)
California Cherry Board (CCB)
Pet Food Institute (PFI)
Organic Trade Association (OTA)
New York Wine & Grape Foundation (NYWGF)
Ms. Sohn, Lan, President
Wooggi Bldg. 15-1, Dosan-daero 85-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06011
Food Export Assn. of the Midwest-Northeast
Western U.S. Agricultural Trade Association
Northwest Cherry Growers (NWCG)
US Highbush Blueberry Council (USHBC)
California Pomegranates Council (CPC)
Mr. Kenneth S. Yang, Representative
(Also represents Pennsylvania State Office)
8th Fl., Yulchon Bldg. 20, Gukjegemyoung-ro, Youngdeungpo-ku, Seoul 07327
Sunkist Korea
Mr. Justin K. Yun, Country Director
37th Fl., ASEM Tower, 517 Youndeong-daero, Gangnam-ku, Seoul 06164
Blue Diamond Korea Servies
Mr. Sean Ryoo, Country Manager
8th Fl. Sewang Development Bldg. 14-8 Teheran-ro 70-gil, Gangnam-ku, Seoul 06193
California Wine Institute
Ms. Mina Choi, Director
Room 435, 647 Eonju-ro, Gangnam-ku, Seoul 06105
California Avocado Council
Mr. Kevin Lee, President
10th Jeongwon Bldg. 60 Naluteo-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul 06527
Agricultural Trade Office, U.S. Embassy - Seoul
Tel: 82-2-6951-6848 Fax: 82-2-720-7921