Korean Importer Support   >   Highlights


  • 2013 Kashu Gold Conference Korea

    Paramount Citrus in collaboration with Sunwoo Marketing launched a promotional campaign for high-brix California navel oranges in Korea on February 22. Speaking to Korean fresh produce handlers and distributors, Mr. Jeon Sunwoo explained how near infrared technology is used to sort and select extra sweet oranges which Korean consumers enjoy. The Korea-United States Free Trade Agreement has expanded opportunities for U.S. orange suppliers to Korea by reducing the 50 percent import duty to 25 percent during the March 1 – August 31 time period. This seasonal duty will be reduced by 5 points each year and will be eliminated completely in 2018. To learn more about export opportunities under KORUS FTA please see KORUS FTA.

  • U.S. Softwood Export Council Visits Kyunghyung Housing Fair

    U.S. Softwood Export Council led a delegation of U.S. suppliers to the 28th Kyunghyung Housing Fair in Korea, February 20-24. U.S. suppliers met with their Korean counterparts at the U.S. pavilion constructed by Kevin Kim P.E. of CTF-California TrusFrame, LLC. Visiting suppliers also took part in various site visits including a bonded warehouse facility for logs and lumber at the Port of Incheon, and Korean companies such as Home Wood Co., NS Home and KCC Home Center. In 2012, Korean imports of logs, lumber, plywood, and wood flooring and molding from the United States totaled $153 million. For more information on the Korean market for wood products please see our Wood Products Market Brief.

  • California Walnut Product of the Year Award

    California Walnut Commission, CEO, Dennis Balint and Senior Marketing Director, Michelle McNeil, visited Seoul to present Product of the Year Awards to five Korean companies for their innovated support of California walnuts in the Korean market. Winners included: Baskin Robins Ice Cream – ¡®Nut Cracker Puppet¡¯ ice cream; CJ Foodville, Bakery Tous Les Jour – ¡®Calory Box¡¯; Orion – ¡®Hodduck Cookie¡¯; Café Benne – ¡®Green Tea Tower Bingsoo¡¯ and SPC, Samlip Foods – ¡®Shilla¡¯s Moonlight¡¯ walnut cookie.

    Korea has rapidly grown to became the third largest market for California walnuts, importing 10,000 metric tons valued at $100 million. Also of note, in 2012, Korea imported 20 million pounds of shelled walnuts from the United States, surpassing Japan, and making it the #1 shelled market in the world. For more information on the Korean market and export opportunities under KORUS FTA please see KORUS FTA.

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Agricultural Trade Office, U.S. Embassy - Seoul
Tel: 82-2-6951-6848 Fax: 82-2-720-7921
Email: atoseoul@state.gov