Korean Importer Support   >   Highlights


  • Korean Pecan Buyers Delegation to Georgia Generates New Business Opportunities

    A group of six key Korean buyers and processors of tree nuts traveled to Georgia pecan industry, March 3-6, 2015. The program, sponsored by Georgia Pecan Growers Association, allowed the delegation to develop business contacts with leading pecan growers and packers in Georgia. In addition, the delegation developed better understanding about the value and quality of Georgia pecan through fieldtrips to local farms and processing plants. Follow-up evaluation survey administered by ATO Seoul indicated that the delegation was likely to generate over $150,000 of new sales to the Georgia pecan industry within this year. For more information about the Georgia pecan industry, please visit the association¡¯s website: www.georgiapecan.org.

  • Gyeongbuk Province Horse Delegation Develops Partnerships with Key American Horse Organizations

    A group of five horse industry leaders of Gyeongbuk province, South Korea traveled to the United States, February 23 - March 3 under co-sponsorship of ATO Seoul and Gyeongbuk provincial government. Through collaboration with the US Livestock Genetics Export, Inc., the delegation visited American Quarter Horse Association (Amarillo, TX); Keeneland Association (Lexington, KY); and Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (Denver, CO) during the trip and discussed potential bi-lateral partnership programs to support horse industry development projects in Gyeongbuk province. In addition, the delegation toured many breeding farms, riding centers and racetracks in various locations and learned about advanced knowledge and practices that the U.S. horse industry has to offer. The delegation is expected to generate new sales of 50 American quarter horses to the province within 2015, valued around $300,000. More importantly, several Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Gyeongbuk province and the American horse industry organizations is likely to develop in the coming months, which will provide a solid foundation for long-term contribution of American horses in the development of local horse industry in Gyeongbuk province.

  • Washington & Oregon Wine Delegation to Seoul, Conrad Hotel, January 23, 2015

    A joint delegation of 20 wineries from Washington and Oregon state, led by Steve Warner/CEO of Washington State Wine Commission and Margaret Bray/Marketing Manager of Oregon Wine Board, traveled to Seoul, Korea for face-to-face contacts with the Korean wine trade and journalists. Trade tastings as well as educational seminars offered by the delegation in Conrad Hotel Seoul were very well attended by over 250 key decision makers of the Korean wine trade, including importers, distributors, sommeliers, educators and journalists. The wine trade between Korea and the United States continues to show a solid growth, presenting new business opportunity to traders in both countries. Korea's wine imports from the United States through November 2014 amounted to $19 million, up 11 percent from the previous year. Further recovery of the Korean economy in the coming year is likely to generate bigger sales of American wine in Korea.

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Agricultural Trade Office, U.S. Embassy - Seoul
Tel: 82-2-6951-6848 Fax: 82-2-720-7921
Email: atoseoul@state.gov