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Buyer Alert

MAX International, Ltd. (Buckwheat)


MAX International, Ltd.
900 Summit Ave E, Suite 301 Seattle, WA
Contact: Greg Debrovner, President
Phone: (425) 985-6936
Fax: (425) 654-2323
E-mail: greg@max-hay.com
Website: www.max-hay.com

  • Company Profile: Incorporated 1992. MAX International is one of the largest exporters of USA Buckwheat.  We also ship animal feed and other USA produced commodities in container
  • Product/Business to Offer: Buckwheat for milling/human consumtion.  USA #1 Large
  • Any Preference for Korean Buyers or Business Partners: Importer, Distributor, Miller
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Agricultural Trade Office, U.S. Embassy - Seoul
Tel: 82-2-6951-6848 Fax: 82-2-720-7921
Email: atoseoul@state.gov