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Buyer Alert

Killer Creamery (No Sugar Ice Cream)



Killer Creamery

Contact: Tate Glasgow,  Vice President of Marketing

Phone: 503 780 8421

Email: tate@killercreamery.com

Web: www.killercreamery.com

Company Profile: 

¡¤   Killer Creamery was established in 2016, privately owned by Louis Armstrong,  a food scientist with a passion for ice cream, keto, and killer whales. So of course he developed an extraordinary line of ice cream that's creamy and delicious, loaded with delectable confections, and zero sugar added.  

¡¤  National Distribution across the US.

Products to Offer:  

¡¤   Product: No Sugar Ice Cream Pints and Sammies  

¡¤   Product Specification/profile:  See attached

¡¤   Suggest Export Price:  Pints/Sorbet- $4.30  Sandwich- $5.00 


Product Origin: USA


Target Korean Buyers:  

Experienced with importing frozen food, Relationships with grocery/mass retail


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Email: atoseoul@state.gov