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Buyer Alert

EP International Company (Mustard/Beans/Peas/Lentils)


EP International Company  
2441 W. 205th Street Suite C200C Torrance, CA 90501 
Contact: Mike Kim, Director of Sales & Marketing  
Phone: 424-558-3392 
Fax: 424-558-3401 
Email: mike.kim@beanexporter.com 
Web: www.beanexporter.com 
Company Profile 
  • Founded in 1989 / Ownership: William Kim & Mike Kim 
  • Business type:  Non-exclusive trading company
  • Status of exports to foreign markets: Exported to South Korea, Australia, Southeast Asian countries.  Recipients of the Presidents Excellence in Exporting "E" Award
Product to Offer 
  • Product name: Mustard Powder/Mustard Seed/Prepared Mustard/Beans/Peas/Lentils
  • Product specification/profile:  US #1, Substandard, Splits
  • Country of origin:  U.S.A. 

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Agricultural Trade Office, U.S. Embassy - Seoul
Tel: 82-2-6951-6848 Fax: 82-2-720-7921
Email: atoseoul@state.gov