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ATO Seoul prepares Market Briefs on a wide range of food, beverage, and agricultural products, as well an annual exporter guide. These reports are available through the Gain Search Page.

  • | Coffee Market Brief Update | Coffee | Seoul ATO | Korea - Republic of | 2/12/2013

    South Korea¡¯s per capita coffee consumption is five times greater than consumption in the rest of the Asia-Pacific region and the total coffee market is valued at about $3 billion in 2012.
    Coffee Market Brief Update_Seoul ATO_Korea - Republic of_2-5-2013.pdf
  • | Distilled Spirits|Product Brief|Seoul ATO|Korea - Republic of|1/7/2013

    South Korea is a leading market for distilled spirits.  In 2011, Korea¡¯s distilled spirits imports totaled $384 million (168 million liters).  The United States remained the third largest exporter of consumer-oriented distilled spirits to Korea after...
    Distilled Spirits_Seoul ATO_Korea - Republic of_1-2-2013.pdf
  • | Food Processing Ingredients | Product Brief | Seoul ATO | Korea - Republic of | 12/20/2012

    The United States was the largest supplier of agricultural, food, fishery and forestry products to Korea, with a 25 percent market share in 2011.  About 70 percent of food products in Korea are imported. U.S. ingredients for use in food processing have a strong...

    Food Processing Ingredients_Seoul ATO_Korea - Republic of_12-20-2012.pdf
  • | 2012 | Exporter Guide | Seoul ATO | Korea - Republic of | 11/1/2012

    South Korea is the fifth largest export market for American agriculture.  Korean imports of American food and agricultural products are on track to reach $6.8 billion, down over 10 percent from 2011, mainly due to a sluggish local processing sector.  Nevertheless, the United States should ... 
    Exporter Guide_Seoul ATO_Korea - Republic of_10-29-2012.pdf
  • | Dairy, Milk, Fluid, Dairy, Cheese, Dairy, Milk, Nonfat Dry | Dairy Update - ATO Seoul | Dairy and Products | Seoul ATO | Korea - Republic of | 10/10/2012

    In 2011 retail value sales of cheese are recorded to $333 million which was increased by 15 percent than a year of 2010 with 100,000 MT of volume.  The United States was the largest exporting country with 43 percent market share followed by New Zealand 27 percent, EU 14 percent. FTAs are expected to expand the market share ...
    Dairy and Products Annual_Seoul ATO_Korea - Republic of_10-4-2012.pdf
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Agricultural Trade Office, U.S. Embassy - Seoul
Tel: 82-2-6951-6848 Fax: 82-2-720-7921